UNESP (julho) 2007 – Questão 74

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
Common Questions
What is The Rainforest Site?
The Rainforest Site is an online activism site that offers simple ways to help in the fight against the destruction of our rainforests.

Clicking is Free
In just a few seconds each day, visitors can click on the green “Preserve Endangered Land” button on the home page and, at no cost to them, help preserve rainforest land worldwide. Preservation of habitat is paid for by The Rainforest Site’s sponsors and accomplished by The Nature Conservancy, The Rainforest Conservation Fund, The World Parks Endowment, and The Friends of Calakmul. These organizations work to preserve rainforest land in Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Paraguay and other locations worldwide.
100% of sponsor advertising fees goes to our charitable partners.

The Rainforest Site was founded in May of 2000. To date, more than 153 million visitors have clicked to save more than 40,500 acres of habitat (that’s more than 1,767 million square feet of land!) via a simple and free daily click.

1. How does the site work?
2. Who pays for protecting rainforests?
3. How do you calculate the amount of rainforest protected by visitors’ clicks?
4. How often can I click on the “Preserve Endangered Land” button? Can I just keep clicking and save thousands of square feet of rainforest at once?
5. How much rainforest habitat has been saved? Where is this land located?
6. Is The Rainforest Site a nonprofit organization?
7. What is The Rainforest Site’s privacy policy?
8. How can I help The Rainforest Site find sponsors?
De acordo com o texto,
a) o site funciona desde maio de 2000 e já preservou mais de 40 mil acres de floresta.
b) o site está em funcionamento desde 2000 e já preservou 40 milhões de metros quadrados de floresta.
c) o site tem mais de 10 anos e já preservou mais de 40 milhões de acres de floresta.
d) até o momento, o site já recebeu mais de 1 767 milhões de visitantes que foram responsáveis por preservar as florestas tropicais.
e) cento e cinqüenta e três mil pessoas já acessaram o site e são responsáveis por ele desde 2000.
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