UFSCar - Por e Ing 2008 – Questão 15
Linguagens / Inglês / Sentences / Types of sentences
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The logical relationship between clauses establishes different notions. An example which expresses the notion of concession is indicated in:
a) Since public understanding is harder to change than terminology.
b) If this new term was intended to be clear.
c) Because so much political speech involves defending the indefensible.
d) This, though, isn’t clear when it is simply labelled “clean coal”.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 82
I found your glasses. I’ve ………….it on your bag.
a) putten
b) put
c) putted
d) putting
e) putsUNESP 2005 – Questão 75
Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado de: Depression is defined by doctors as an illness that affects the ability to function.
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 7
(ESAM-RN) Let’s not get sentimental, _________________?
a) do we
b) let us
c) will go
d) shall we
e) won’t weUFRGS - Inglês 2011 – Questão 70
Consider the segment The train engines belch smoke.
Which alternative below presents the same sentence structure?
a) I carried out my promise.
b) The coach is at the end of the train.
c) I kept my mouth shut.
d) I tipped him a further two rupees.
e) He was a rather strong man.