UFRGS - Inglês 2011 – Questão 68
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
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The man in the cartoon thinks the cat:
a) was recently given some kind of “diversity product”.
b) was given some “diversity product” a long time ago.
c) should have been given some kind of “diversity product”.
d) will have to be given some kind of “diversity product”.FGV Economia 2010 – Questão 83
According to the text,
a) businesses have to prepare products for older consumers in future.
b) people born after the second world war had many babies, who now are better educated than their parents.
c) plastic surgery is the main thing older people wish to do when they retire.
d) many senior citizens in rich countries want to get a better education after retirement.
e) most companies are managing to create stylish items that appeal to both young and old consumers.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 25
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O título do texto faz menção ao___________ e à ____________ do Brasil.
a) analfabetismo / economia.
b) clima / beleza.
c) relevo / diversidade.
d) povo / pobreza.
e) tamanho / localização.UERJ 2009 – Questão 21
The family will finally be able to pay for Sunny’s cyst removal surgery. The proverb that best justifies this course of action is:
a) Never do things by halves.
b) Prevention is better than cure.
c) It is in giving that we receive.
d) No road is long with good company.