UFRGS - Inglês 2010 – Questão 73
Linguagens / Inglês / Phrases / Definition
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
Base dudow 2000 – Questão 8
I really hate when people use animals as clothes. They kill those poor animals and then use their fur. I never use fur clothes!
a) Neither do I!
b) Both do I!
c) You and me both use it!
d) Both you and me use it!
e) Nor do me use it!UNIFESP port e inglês 2006 – Questão 39
According to the text,
a) the International conference on AIDS/HIV was held in Washington in 2004.
b) religious leaders are against prostitution and condom distribution.
c) there will be 2060 scientists attending the four-day conference organized by Dr. Helene Gayle.
d) Bill Clinton disagrees with the Bush approach towards the pandemic.
e) Brazil does not accept aid linked to religious constraintsUNESP 2010 – Questão 22
A expressão stretched versions, utilizada no segundo parágrafo,
a) se opõe à expressão scaled down derivatives.
b) indica que o tamanho dos aviões foi reduzido.
c) indica que a capacidade dos aviões foi expandida.
d) indica que a produção dos aviões foi expandida.
e) enfatiza a expressão smaller aircraft platforms.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 9
“Research shows that sunscreens may not be as effective as hoped at preventing sunburn. Users may be spending long hours in the sun with a false sense of security.”
A palavra may na sentença acima expressa a ideia de:
a) permissão
b) possibilidade
c) proibição
d) obrigação
e) expectativaFAMEMA 2016 – Questão 32
According to the text, kidneys are essential for life because they
a) accomplish various functions in the body.
b) can clear the body from diseases.
c) play a protective role against poisoning.
d) filter the excess of infective agents from the blood.
e) eliminate toxins that increase bone density.