UERJ 2009 – Questão 39
Ciências da Natureza / Biologia / Sistema Nervoso / Neurônios e Nervos
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UERJ 2006 – Questão 16
In the text, the argumentation is structured by means of descriptions of situations and restrictions. The following elements contribute to this structural organization:
a) definite articles and gradable adjectives
b) forceful tone and contrastive connectives
c) short paragraphs and independent clauses
d) plural personal pronouns and enumerative conjunctsBase dudow 2000 – Questão 21
Entre as diferentes biotecnologias modernas encontramos a produção dos transgênicos. Sobre o tema, assinale o que for INCORRETO.
...UFMG 2015 – Questão 43
Observe as imagens a seguir.
Considerando a presença de coluna vertebral, podemos colocar em um mesmo grupo
a) lagartixa e centopeia.
b) pato e bicho-pau.
c) surubim e cobra.
d) tatu e caranguejo.
UERJ 2007 – Questão 20
In the comic strip, Cathy is trying to reconcile with her mother.Lack of understanding between them is best expressed graphically by:
a) local setting
b) age difference
c) facial expressions
d) negative commentsUERJ 2019 – Questão 64
Los síntomas de esta enfermedad son similares a los del dengue y chikungunya, aunque son más severos. (ref.6)