UNESP 2016 – Questão 24

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Identify the main idea of the text
Genetically modified foods
Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally, e.g. through the introduction of a gene from a different organism. Currently available GM foods stem mostly from plants, but in the future foods derived from GM microorganisms or GM animals are likely to be introduced on the market. Most existing genetically modified crops have been developed to improve yield, through the introduction of resistance to plant diseases or of increased tolerance of herbicides. In the future, genetic modification could be aimed at altering the nutrient content of food, reducing its allergenic potential, or improving the efficiency of food production systems. All GM foods should be assessed before being allowed on the market. FAO/WHO Codex guidelines exist for risk analysis of GM food.

According to the text, genetically modified foods:
a) have their natural DNA altered by a gene of a different organism.
b) are so widespread that they may be considered naturally occurring.
c) are healthier although they don’t taste as good as non-GM foods.
d) comprise mostly vegetables because GM animal products are banned.
e) are mostly rejected after the FAO/WHO assessment.
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