FATEC (2ºsem) 2012 – Questão 4

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
Brazil is a leader in entrepreneurship*, with an estimated one in eight adults being “entrepreneurs.” Much of the business that occurs in Brazil is done by single businesspeople either selling their homemade goods or providing their services. Foreign entrepreneurship is a bit of a rarity in Brazil. It is simple for a local businessperson to open a business by, in most cases, circumventing the typical red tape* associated with starting a business. The regulatory boards are so poorly managed and so open to bribes* that local entrepreneurs can easily sneak by without following proper procedure. For foreign businesspeople it is much more difficult. Foreigners draw attention to themselves (by merely being foreigners) and therefore fall prey to greater scrutiny. It is imperative for the foreign businessperson to hire a good “despachante” or broker to handle interactions with government officials.
http://www.internationalentrepreneurship.com/americas/brazil, acesso em 16.02.2012 (adaptado)
*entrepreneurship: empreendedorismo
*red tape: burocracia
*bribes: subornos
De acordo com as informações do texto, 
a) a minoria dos negócios no Brasil é feita por empresários solteiros. 
b) a maior parte do empreendedorismo no Brasil é financiada pelo capital estrangeiro. 
c) estrangeiros chamam atenção para si próprios por tentarem subornar as autoridades do governo. 
d) empreendedores brasileiros conseguem abrir um negócio no Brasil mais facilmente do que os estrangeiros. 
e) empreendedores brasileiros encontram dificuldade em abrir um negócio se não seguirem as leis governamentais.

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