ENEM PPL Linguagens e Humanas 2020 – Questão 4
Linguagens / Inglês
Esta questão recebeu 121 comentários
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Considere o trecho do segundo parágrafo “Research on cognitive aging indicates that, in adulthood, this ability declines considerably”. O termo sublinhado é empregado com o mesmo sentido em:
a) There was a sign on the entrance door.
b) The program will be broadcast on BBC TV.
c) Looking around the room I notice a diary on herbedside table.
d) Yesterday I watched a documentary on forensic science.
e) The glass of wine was on the kitchen counter.UNESP 2010 – Questão 30
Utilizou-se a oração there are also a lot of questions no final do texto porque
a) há problemas no time Jets que precisam ser solucionados.
b) não se sabe se o time jogará na próxima temporada.
c) os jogadores do time Jets não estão em boas condições físicas.
d) os torcedores não veem o time com bons olhos.
e) os torcedores questionam a configuração atual do time.UNESP s. port 2007 – Questão 77
Indique a alternativa que completa a sentença:
However it will take …....... blankets to …....... the Alps …...... the pressures they have been facing.
a) more ... allow … than
b) less … free … about
c) more than … prevent … from
d) many … prevent … on
e) only … help … toFGV Economia 2011 – Questão 87
According to the text, the problem of tax evasion
a) could be detected in one third of the countries studied.
b) can be pinpointed when workers complain about their legal labor rights.
c) is increasing globally through the rise of businesses that remain in the shadow economy.
d) was first brought up by Mr. Schneider in his report in 2007.
e) is unfair because those who avoid taxes benefit from public services.