FATEC (2ºsem) 2006 – Questão 16

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
Christian Soldiers
Praise THE LORD and pass the ammunition: Christians are finally getting a high-caliber shoot-’em-up videogame of their own. Due out on PCs in the second half of 2006, Left Behind: Eternal Forces is the first game adapted from the blockbuster books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. Gamers familiar with the largely uninspiring and unprofitable history of Christian videogames will quickly notice two differences in Forces: the top-shelf design, which offers an eerily authentic reproduction of the game’s Manhattan setting, and a level of violence reminiscent of Grand Theft Auto. The game revolves around New Yorkers who are “left behind” after the rapture. Players scour the streets for converts, training them into a work force to feed, shelter and join a paramilitary resistance against the growing forces of the Antichrist.
Left Behind Games CEO Troy Lyndon, whose company went public in February, says the game’s Christian themes will grab the audience that didn’t mind gore in “The Passion of the Christ.” “We’ve thought through how the Christian right and the liberal left will slam us,” says Lyndon. “But megachurches are very likely to embrace this game.“ Though it will be marketed directly to congregations, Forces will also have a secular ad campaign in gaming magazines.
(Newsweek, March 13, 2006)
Segundo o texto,
a) o jogo “Christian Soldiers” envolve nova-iorquinos que são deixados para trás após serem raptados.
b) os jogadores vasculham as ruas em busca de cristãos convertidos, treinando-os contra as forças do Anticristo.
c) os anticristos juntam-se numa resistência paramilitar, lutando contra os cristãos convertidos.
d) o jogo “Eternal Forces” é uma reprodução autêntica do jogo “Manhattan setting”.
e) os não-cristãos invadem as ruas desesperadamente com a finalidade de se converterem ao cristianismo.

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