ENEM PPL Espanhol 2023 – Questão 3
Linguagens / Espanhol
Esta questão recebeu 32 comentários
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
UNESP s. port 2006 – Questão 81
Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo sentido da expressão destacada na sentença:
"Other experts advocate a more aggressive approach: to shut websites down."
a) more persuasive methods
b) a cooler instruction
c) a more receptive strategy
d) a shocking performance
e) a more violent attitudeUFABC 2008 – Questão 8
No trecho do texto – "Brazilian authorities arrested six major drug traffickers Friday ahead of an alleged planned attack against a rival gang in a Rio de Janeiro slum" – a expressão "ahead of" pode ser substituída, sem mudar o sentido, por:
a) before
b) after
c) because
d) while
e) meanwhileBase dudow 2000 – Questão 59
Em qual das frases seguintes há o uso correto do Present Perfect?
a) I live in Maringá for 7 years
b) I lived in Maringá for 7 years
c) I´ve lived in Maringá for 7 years
d) I didn´t live in Maringá for 7 years
e) I hasn´t lived in Maringá for 7 yearsUERJ 2006 – Questão 16
In the text, the argumentation is structured by means of descriptions of situations and restrictions. The following elements contribute to this structural organization:
a) definite articles and gradable adjectives
b) forceful tone and contrastive connectives
c) short paragraphs and independent clauses
d) plural personal pronouns and enumerative conjunctsUERJ 2021 – Questão 12
Las letras de Latinoamérica y Morro velho manifiestan una misma actitud hacia la realidad de
vida del trabajador del campo.
Esa actitud se puede definir como:
a) rechazo
b) criticidad
c) inconsciencia
d) menosprecio