Base dudow 094 2000 – Questão 60
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
UNESP s. port 2006 – Questão 74
Escolha a alternativa correta, de acordo com o texto 1.
...UERJ 2012 – Questão 21
The old lady is presented by means of the description of her actions and looks.
The passage from the text which best describes her bodily appearance is in:
a) she eyed me rapidly, without turning. (ref.1)
b) she fell asleep the moment she inclined her head. (ref.2)
c) she could fit into the palm of your hand. (ref.3)
d) the whole of her wrinkled face suddenly gleamed. (ref.4)UNESP 2008 – Questão 73
Escolha a alternativa correta, de acordo com o Texto 1.
...FGV Administração 2010 – Questão 43
In paragraph 2, when the article talks about "an underlying difference in psychology," it most likely means that
...UNESP 2009 – Questão 80
Indique a alternativa em que os termos denotam, respectivamente, o mesmo significado dos sublinhados na sentença:
The Amazon is still largely intact, but the future hinges
on decisions being made now.
a) already ... depends on
b) almost ... looks at
c) mostly ... depends on
d) completely ... points to
e) totally ... describes