Base dudow 094 2000 – Questão 45

Linguagens / Inglês / Pronouns / Kinds of Pronouns
The Revivals of the fittest - Jeremy McCarter
One compensation of New York City life is that even the unpleasant parts come wrapped in legend. Your commute to Brooklyn might be a drag, but hey, Walt Whitman did it before you, and immortalized it in a poem. For generations, no art form has done more to make the city a place of fables than the Broadway musical. From Rodgers and Hart´s ―Manhattan in 1925 to ―Christopher Street in ―Wonderful Town to ―Another Hundred People in ―Company, songwriters haven´t just reflected their madcap citythey´ve helped to define it. Now, just when New Yorkers are in the midst of a spiritual floggingupstaged by Obama´s Washington, humbled by Wall Street´s collapse, perplexed by real estate prices that are almost reasonablethe two greatest New York musicals have returned. If staged well, ―West Side Story, with its native-born and Puerto Rico gang warfare, distills the violence, frustrated dreams and tragic undertow of this immigrant town. And ―Guys and Dolls, with its hustlers and zealous (though badly outnumbered) religious believers, captures the ingenuity of New York´s street poetry, the hard-edged sense of humor that is constantly demanded of people forced to navigate these sidewalks every day. Both of the revivals take liberties with the material, in hopes of speaking more directly to our vexed moment. Each tells a very different story about the way we live in the nation´s artistic capital now. The chief novelty of the revival of ―West Side Story directed by Arthur Laurents, the show´s 91-year old librettist, is that considerable chunks of the sad tale of Tony and Maria are now spoken and sung in Spanish. When this happens the first time, in a scene between Maria (Josefina Scaglione) and Anita (Karen Olivo, who just became a great big star), your eyes flick instinctively to the proscenium arch for a translation to appear. It doesn´t. This prompts two thoughts in quick succession: (1) Hey, you have to know Spanish to understand what they´re saying. (2) Waitwhy don´t I know Spanish?

(Newsweek, March 30, 2009)
Unpleasant - desagradável
Wrapped - embrulhado
Drag - uma chatice
Commute - viajar para chegar ao trabalho
Madcap - loucura
Midst - meio
Flogging - promovido
Upstaged – colocado no palco
Humbled - humilhado
Reasonable - razoável
Warfare – de luta
Distills - destila
Undertow - corrente
Hustlers - prostitutas
Outnumbered – sem número
Sidewalks - calçadas
Vexed – que irrita
Chunks - pedaço
Proscenium arch – parede acima do palco
Prompts – aparece
From Rodgers and Hart´s "Manhattan" in 1925 to "Christopher Street" in "Wonderful Town" to "Another Hundred People" in "Company" songwriters haven´t just reflected their madcap city - they've helped to define it. A palavra they, nesse fragmento do texto, refere-se a:
a) songwriters.
b)"Another Hundred People".
c)"Christopher Street".
d)Rodgers and Hart.
e)"Wonderful Town".

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