Base dudow 052 2000 – Questão 27

Linguagens / Inglês / Adverbs / Adverb clauses
Qual alternativa apresenta todas as sentenças usando os advérbios na ordem correta?
a) Generally I don't read a newspaper. / Rarely I go there. / I'll do soon it. / I haven't finished still.
b) She arrives today./ I'll do it soon./ I still haven't finished./ I haven't done it yet.
c) I frequently am late for work. / I want it now. / I haven't yet done it. / My house is always organized.
d) Nowadays he works as a teacher. / She will sing at school tomorrow. / I often wash my car. / I eat fast.
e) She sings beautifully about nature. / He writes e-mails daily. / The shoes here are. / It crossed almost the street.

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