Base dudow 050 2000 – Questão 79
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Identify the main idea of the text
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According to the text, Brazil’s antagonists when it was compared to a skinny boy were
a) the new games played by the big boys.
b) global financial crisis.
c) the noughties credit boom.
d) financial markets of developed economies.
e) macroeconomic stabilization policies.ENEM 1ª Aplicação Espanhol 2017 – Questão 4
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An example of the pressing challenges mentioned in last lines of the text – the pressing challenges that confront us all. – is
a) the ‘natural knowledge economy’.
b) technological and scientific innovation.
c) climate change, the environment and food scarcity.
d) Brazil’s current strengths and achievements.
e) biofuel.UERJ 2009 – Questão 21
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This contrast is best represented by the following words:
a) London and Seattle
b) regime and government
c) small world and global stage
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Which one has a wrong use of tag question?
a) You knew England, didn't you?
b) Let´s go shopping, don´t we?
c) I am tall, aren’t I?
d) She would come, wouldn't she?
e) She didn't speak English, did she?