Base dudow 028 2000 – Questão 58

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
This playful satire is the third novel by Brazilian singer and composer Buarque. The plot revolves around Jose Costa, a Brazilian writer who ends up in Budapest, where he becomes absorbed by the Hungarian language. As he scans a Hungarian grammar book, he meets a woman named Krista, who offers to teach him the language and later becomes his lover. Although its plot is fanciful, Buarque’s novel raises serious questions about recreating one's life in a foreign language as exotic as Hungarian, said to be the only one on earth respected by the devil.
Recommended for readers of imaginative fiction and the linguistically curious -- Jack Shreve.
(Adaptado de Tab=Reviews. Acessado em 12/09/2009.)
Como a língua húngara é qualificada por Jack Shreve e o que, segundo esse autor, costumam dizer sobre essa língua?
a) uma língua exótica, a única respeitada pelo diabo
b) uma língua curiosa, interessante
c) uma língua apaixonante, sedutora e tentadora
d) uma língua exótica, mas fácil
e) uma língua de gramática que supera as demais em dificuldade

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