Base dudow 027 2000 – Questão 66

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Identify the main idea of the text
If China stays on the same economic track, it would become the world's largest economy in 2027, surpassing the United States, according to projections by Goldman, Sachs & Co., a Wall Street investment bank. And unlike Japan, which rose in  the 1980s only to fade again, China still has a  huge pool of workers to tap and an emerging middle class that is just starting to reach critical mass. Many development economists believe China still has 20 years of fairly high growth ahead.
China's influence spreads around the world - By WILLIAM FOREMAN, Associated Press Writer - Saturday, September 01, 2007
According to the text, China’s growth
a) depends on the extent of  railroad tracks laid down in the next few years
b) will surpass the USA’s per capita income in 2027 
c) will make China as economically important as the US by 2027 
d) Is intimately dependent on Wall Street investment banks
e) will help Goldman, Sachs & Co. become better forecasters
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