Base dudow 027 2000 – Questão 18

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
“The area had long been inhabited by native Americans, the Ohlone (meaning “people of the west”) before the first Spanish immigrants came to settle in this part of the country. After the Mexican-American War, the small town became American territory, and when the California gold rush started in 1848, the population increased enormously. Nowadays  San Francisco is famous especially for its cable car and the Golden Gate Bridge.
The Golden Gate Bridge connects the city of San Francisco and San Francisco  Peninsula. It spans the Golden Gate, a  strait between the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay – that’s where the name Golden Gate Bridge comes from.
Constructions on the bridge began in 1933 and were completed in 1937. The bridge rises 230 m above the water. With its total length of 1970 meters it was the longest  suspension bridge in the world until 1964. The bridge is part of the United States Highway 101, has six lanes and a footpath on each side.”
San Francisco was inhabited by the Ohlone
a) that gave the famous bridge its name
b) who wanted to find gold
c) that connects San Francisco and San Francisco 
d) who are a native American tribe
e) who drive on the United States Highway 101

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