Albert Einstein 2017 – Questão 22

Linguagens / Inglês
So Long, Sweaty Summer – Acessado em 02/09/2016
Good morning on this ominous Friday. The skies in this (unofficial) last weekend of summer are looking temperamental. Expect a dazzling day today, with a high near 81. But the effects of Hurricane Hermine, in Florida now, could bring heavy rain and strong winds later in the weekend, according to the National Weather Service.
The silver lining: This might be just the medicine we need. New York is thirsty. We’re in the midst of a statewide drought.
We’ve had a hotter and drier summer than normal, said Carlie Buccola, a Weather Service meteorologist. Summer in the city averages roughly 74 degrees, Ms. Buccola told us, but this year, we clocked in near 77. And we normally get almost 13.5 inches of rain, but this summer, we got just under 12.
Escolha a alternativa que corresponde à informação contida no texto.
a) A cidade de New York pode eventualmente ficar sob forte seca e calor.
b) Os níveis de chuva neste verão estão abaixo do espera do para o padrão nos EUA.
c) O furacão Hermine poderia vir a ser exatamente aquilo de que o estado de New York precisa.
d) Os níveis de chuva e de calor foram mais altos do que a média de outros anos.

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