UNICAMP 2019 – Questão 90
Linguagens / Inglês
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
ITA 2005 – Questão 26
Assinale a opção que contém outra forma de expressara frase "on the assumption that each community would have had..." (linhas 21 e 22).
a) has each community had...
b) had each community had...
c) if we assume that each community will have had...
d) if each community has had...
e) assuming each community will have...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 76
They were bright, …….. they thought they did not need to study.
a) so
b) for
c) yet
d) nor
e) orUERJ 2008 – Questão 18
The text points to positive and negative outcomes of climate changes.
The effects regarded as beneficial are directly related to:
a) sea-level shifts and glacier retreat
b) pesticide alternatives and saltwater culture
c) immunological resistance and harvest cycles
d) greenhouse gas emission and ice defrostingBase dudow 2000 – Questão 42
(Direito Franca -2010) A tuberculose:
a) Começa com uma febre seguida de tosse.
b) Provoca sempre pânico entre os pacientes.
c) Apresenta sintomas que são comuns a outras doenças.
d) Atualmente não é considerada doença contagiosa.
e) Jamais apresenta sintomas exterioresBase dudow 2000 – Questão 55
The active voice of "The report wasn‘t written by the employees." Is:
a) The employees haven‘t written the report.
b) The employees didn‘t wrote the report.
c) The employees hadn‘t written the report.
d) The employees weren‘t writing the report.
e) The employees didn‘t write the report.