UNESP (julho) 2009 – Questão 74
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
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Desde luego que para quienes continuamos escribiendo en quechua, en aymara o en las lenguas amazônicas, o recreamos en castellano el subyugante universo andino, el mayor obstáculo es, sin duda, el lenguaje: cómo hacer verosímil — mediante la...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 5
―Don’t have to and ―must not indicate:
a) absence and lack of obligation
b) required permission and necessity
c) lack of necessity and prohibition
d) no choice and permission
e) requirements and power.UFSJ CG Linguagens 2012 – Questão 11
In the sentence “[…] white students harassed him in order to get him to move out.”, the verbal expression to get him to move out means
a) to invite him to move out.
b) to advise him to move out.
c) to make him move out.
d) to prohibit him from moving out.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 69
How much did the young man buy of gas? And how much did the man give him at first?
a) The young man bought $1 dollar and the other gave him $20.
b) The young man bought $6 dollars and the other gave him $20.
c) The young man bought $1 dollar and the other gave him $50.
d) The young man bought $6 dollars and the other gave him $50.
e) The young man bought $1 dollar and the other gave him $6.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 6
Assinale a alternativa cujas palavras completam corretamente as lacunas no texto abaixo:
Did you meet him ………. 9 o‘ clock ……. the morning or …….. night?
a) At – in – in
b) On – in – at
c) In – at – at
d) At – in – at
e) At – on – in