FATEC 2018 – Questão 26

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Technology brought us fake news — and it will help us kill it
“Fake news” - websites disseminating news stories that are false but are believed to be true – was a major feature of the U.S. election season. Some observers believe that it determined the outcome of the election, although there is no way to definitively ascertain its effect on voting.
Fake news is news that affects the digital universe profoundly. Fake news grew because of the ease of creating and disseminating websites and stories that look and read as credible as real news sites (at least to many people). It is disseminated on social media platforms just because dissemination of information without vetting has always been a feature of those platforms. This was designed to facilitate communication - no one removes a negative comment about a restaurant on Facebook.
On the positive side, this means that everyone’s opinion can be disseminated. The awareness of fake news, though, reveals a downside – or perhaps a loophole – of the freedom to post. And fake news may beget1 fake news. Facebook is not the only media company to be an inadvertent host for fake news, but it is by far the largest, with roughly 2 billion users each month.
Forbes indicates that the fallout2 from fake news during the election cycle may cause advertisers to pull back from Facebook, as it is less “brand safe” than formerly. If unchecked, fake news could impact the perceived credibility of online sites where fake news runs. Since the election, Facebook has announced plans to refine and increase automated detection of fake news and to make reporting of suspected stories easier for Facebook users. It has also indicated that the current ad system will be changed, to interfere with fake news sites receiving revenue from Facebook.
Acesso em: 07.11.2017. Adaptado.
beget1: gerar, criar, produzir.
fallout2: efeitos negativos
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta, de acordo com o texto, elementos que podem ser considerados razões para a disseminação ou o aumento de fake news.
a) A recusa em aceitar comentários negativos, atitude comum aos usuários de redes sociais que produz efeitos profundos no universo digital.
b) A característica que as plataformas de social media (mídia social) apresentam de difundir informações sem verificá-las, a pretexto de facilitar a comunicação.
c) A postura do Facebook, única plataforma de social media (mídia social) que se opõe veementemente à censura de qualquer tipo de informação postada.
d) A facilidade de criação de websites e de histórias que, apesar de serem falsos, são capazes de convencer todos os usuários, indistintamente, de sua veracidade.
e) A tranquilidade com a qual tais notícias são disseminadas, de maneira a serem consideradas verdadeiras simplesmente pelo fato de serem reproduzidas repetidamente.

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