UEL 2014 – Questão 25
Linguagens / Inglês
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In paragraph 5, the article most likely mentions time and space in order to
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The context often helps if one needs to guess the meaning of an unknown word. For example, the word lyrics appears in three sentences from the text:
although the lyrics didn’t make much sense to me: (l. 10)
His clever lyrics were often approved by the censors,(l. 24-25)
Nowadays, the lyrics are explicit (l. 34)
Based on these examples, lyrics is translated as:
a) letras.
b) poesias.
c) músicas.
d) melodias.UEL 2010 – Questão 29
Dados os conjuntos X e Y, a diferença entre X e Y é o conjunto X−Y={x ∈ X : x / Y }. Dados os conjuntos (intervalos) A= [2,5] e B= [3,4] temos:
a) A−B={2,5} e B−A={−1,−2}
b) A−B=B−A
c) A−B=∅ e B−A= [2,3]∪[4,5]
d) A−B= (2,3]∪[4,5) e B−A=∅
e) A−B= [2,3)∪(4,5] e B−A=∅UFRGS - Inglês 2020 – Questão 25
Consider the use of the modal verb in the following sentence.
...UERJ 2016 – Questão 18
In the text, there are euphemisms to refer to Maya Angelou’s death.
The words used by the author that represent euphemisms are:
a) passing (ref.1)–departure (ref.10)
b) spirit (ref.2) – spectrum ( ref.2)
c) heaven (ref.3) – relic (ref.8)
d) lifetime (ref.6) – existence (ref.9)