UNIFESP port e inglês 2010 – Questão 31
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
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UERJ 2005 – Questão 20
A pun is a play on words, transposing meanings of different words with similar sounds. In the cartoon, the idea underlying the pun is best described in the following popular saying:
a) Seeing into darkness is light.
b) A life full of light fears no death.
c) Once there is light, there is life.
d) A useless life leads to lack of light.UNIFESP port e inglês 2005 – Questão 38
According to Dr. Siegel,
a) people who get too tired during the day feel constant fatigue and may die earlier.
b) some illnesses trigger insomnia or drowsiness, disrupting normal sleep cycle.
c) it is more dangerous to sleep less than seven hours than it is to sleep more than eight hours per night.
d) more than a million Americans sleep more than seven hours per night.
e) those who sleep less than seven hours per night showed a decline in life expectancy.ENEM 2ª Aplicação Espanhol 2015 – Questão 4
Siete crisântemos
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 6
O pronome "their" aparece várias vezes no texto, referindo-se a várias coisas ou ideias. Verifique o item que informa o referente CORRETO para o uso de "their" na linha indicada.
a) Line 2 - instant messaging and e-mail.
b) Line 32 - skills.
c) Line 42 - researchers.
d) Line 9 - some grammarians.
e) Line 11 - teachers.UNESP 2009 – Questão 83
Escolha a alternativa correta.