FAMEMA 2019 – Questão 32

Linguagens / Inglês
Fake news can distort people’s beliefs even after being debunked. A study recently published in the journal Intelligence suggests that some people may have an especially difficult time rejecting misinformation. Asked to rate a fictitious person on a range of character traits, people who scored low on a test of cognitive ability continued to be influenced by damaging information about the person even after they were explicitly told the information was false. The study is significant because it identifies what may be a major risk factor for vulnerability to fake news.
One possible explanation for this finding is based on the theory that a person’s cognitive ability reflects how well they can regulate the contents of working memory –their “mental workspace” for processing information.First proposed by the cognitive psychologists Lynn Hasher and Rose Zacks, this theory holds that some people are more prone to “mental clutter” than other people. In other words, some people are less able todiscard (or “inhibit”) information from their working memory that is no longer relevant to the task at hand, orinformation that has been discredited. Research on cognitive aging indicates that, in adulthood, this ability declines considerably with advancing age, suggesting thatolder adults may also be especially vulnerable to fake news. Another reason why cognitive ability may predict vulnerability to fake news is that it correlates highly with education. Through education, people may develop meta-cognitive skills – strategies for monitoring and regulatingone’s own thinking – that can be used to combat the effects of misinformation
(www.scientificamerican.com, 06.02.2018. Adaptado.
Considere o trecho do segundo parágrafo “Research on cognitive aging indicates that, in adulthood, this ability declines considerably”. O termo sublinhado é empregado com o mesmo sentido em:
a) There was a sign on the entrance door.
b) The program will be broadcast on BBC TV.
c) Looking around the room I notice a diary on herbedside table.
d) Yesterday I watched a documentary on forensic science.
e) The glass of wine was on the kitchen counter.

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