UNIP 2024 – Questão 11

Linguagens / Inglês
How the placenta project is unlocking the secrets of our cells Understanding how the placenta survives and functions is of critical importance in ensuring pregnancies are healthy and viable — and thanks to a remarkable global project, the Human Cell Atlas (HCA), researchers are now uncovering the secrets of its behaviour.
This achievement could have crucial consequences. When problems affect a placenta,conditions such as preeclampsia or even miscarriages can happen. Understanding the mechanics of its functioning should help doctors tackle these conditions. Nor is this the only
success for the Atlas project, which was launched in 2016 by scientists based in Britain and the United States, a collaboration that has since expanded dramatically and now includes several thousand researchers.
In addition to their placenta triumphs, these groups are also revealing cellular secrets of the immune system as well as the brain, lungs and other organs. In the process, scientists have discovered thousands of new types of cells.
(Robin McKie. www.theguardian.com, 03.06.2023.Adaptado.)

De acordo com o texto, o projeto Human Cell Atlas
a) tem tido muito sucesso devido à descoberta de milhares de células novas abrigadas dentro da placenta.
b) busca garantir o êxito da gravidez, relacionando o comportamento da gestante à saúde de sua placenta.
c) pretende evitar a pré-eclâmpsia e os abortos espontâneos, reforçando o sistema imunológico do corpo.
d) promove a pesquisa de órgãos como o cérebro e os pulmões a partir da relação deles com a placenta.
e) busca compreender como a placenta funciona, embora esse não tenha sido seu único êxito científico.

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