Base dudow 094 2000 – Questão 72

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Identify the main idea of the text
Dunga is out as the coach of Brazil‘s soccer team. He and his staff were fired Sunday, two days after Brazil was beaten by the Netherlands in the World Cup quarterfinals in South Africa.
The announcement was made by the Brazilian Football Federation, known as the C.B.F. The decision was widely expected after the team‘s 2-1 loss to the Dutch. Brazil took an early lead on a goal by Robinho, but allowed two goals and had a player sent off in a dismal second-half performance in Port Elizabeth.
―With the closing of the work cycle that started in August 2006 and ended with the elimination of Brazil from the World Cup in South Africa, the C.B.F. announces the dismissal of the Technical Commission of the Brazilian team,‖ the federation said in a statement. A new coach will be appointed before the end of the month, the federation said.
The former Brazil player Mano Menezes, the former A.C. Milan coach Leonardo and the veteran coach Vanderlei Luxemburgo are being mentioned as potential successors to Dunga.
Brazil will host the World Cup in 2014 for the first time since 1950.

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Qual poderia ser o título dessa reportagem?
a) Dunga´s resignation after World Cup
b) The new Brazilian coach
c) Brazil lost the World Cup
d) Robinho: the best player
e) The Africa´s World Cup
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