UNIFESP port e inglês 2015 – Questão 38

Linguagens / Inglês / Adverbs / Introduction To Adverbs
Healthy choices
How do we reduce waistlines in a country where we traditionally do not like telling individuals what to do?
By Telegraph Vtew
22Aug 2014 
Duncan Selbie, the Chief Executive of Public Health England, suggests that parents feed their children from smaller plates. Photo: Alamy

Every new piece of information about Britain’s weight problem makes for ever more depressing reading. Duncan Selbie, the Chief Executive of Public Health England, today tells us that by 2034 some six million Britons will suffer from diabetes. Of course, many people develop diabetes through no fault of their own. But Mr Selbie’s research concludes that if the levels of obesity returned to their 1994 levels, 1.7 million fewer people would suffer from lhe condition. Given that fighting diabetes already drains the National Health Service (NHS) by more than £1.5 million, or 10 per cent of its budget for England. the impact upon the Treasury in 20 years’ time from unhealthy lifestyles could be catastrophic. Bad health not only impacts on the individual but also on the rest of the community. Diagnosis of the challenge is straightforward. The tougher question is what to do about reducing waistlines in a country where we traditionally do not like telling individuals what to do. It is interesting to note that Mr Selbie does not ascribe to the Big Brother approach of ceaseless legislation and nannying. Rather, he is keen to promote Choices – making the case passionately that people should be encouraged to embrace good health. One of his suggestions is that parents feed their children from smaller plates. That way the child can clear his or her plate, as ordered, without actually consuming too much. Like all good ideas, this is rooted in common sense.
(www.telegraph.couk Adaptado) 
No trecho do quarto parágrafo “Rather, he is keen to promote choices”, o termo em destaque equivale, em português, a
a) por sinal.
b) mesmo assim.
c) pelo contrário.
d) via de regra.
e) além disso.

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