UNIFESP port e inglês 2005 – Questão 36
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
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The title and the words of the song convey a social message and encourage a certain course of action. These two ideas are best illustrated in:
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O grupo CHERG
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In the text, the title and subtitle clearly reflect the author’s position regarding audio books. The idea conveyed by the title and subtitle is best expressed in the following statement:
a) Their use is considered as a beneficial practice.
b) Their efficiency is confirmed in sports activities.
c) Their quality is determined by the narrator’s voice.
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Nonviolent resistance is central to Martin Luther King Jr.’s philosophy as a way to cure society’s ills. This action is best understood as a way of:
a) turning the other cheek
b) avoiding retaliation
c) disregarding power
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Which of the following does the article mention as an important aspect of the evangelical Protestant churches in Central America?