UNICAMP 2019 – Questão 83

Linguagens / Inglês
Largest prime number discovered: with more than 23m digits
Known simply as M77232917, the figure is arrived at by calculating two to the power of 77,232,917 and subtracting one, leaving a gargantuan string of 23,249,425 digits. The result is nearly one million digits longer than the previous record holder discovered in January 2016. The number belongs to a rare group of so-called Mersenne prime numbers, named after the 17th century French monk Marin Mersenne. Like any prime number, a Mersenne prime is divisible only by itself and one, but is derived by multiplying twos together over and over before taking away one. The previous record-holding number was the 49th Mersenne prime ever found, making the new one the 50th.
(Adaptado de Ian Sample, “Largest prime number discovered: with more than 23m digits”. The Guardian, 04/ 01/2018.)
Considerando as informações contidas no excerto anterior, qual dos números a seguir é um primo de Mersenne?
a) 23.
b) 29.
c) 31.
d) 37.

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