UNESP 2011 – Questão 23

Linguagens / Inglês EF / Leitura / Identificar a ideia principal do texto
Two of the greatest obstacles that comics have in reaching readers are exposure and cost. Fortunately, the internet has provided remedies for both. Many comic book creators and publishers have put their comics online, available as full issues and at absolutely no cost to the reader. And unlike torrents or scanned files, these comics are completely legal. Here I have endeavored to collect as many of these as possible, now totalling over 300 full issues and stories, in one place.
Whether you have been meaning to try a new title, or if you’ve never read a comic in your life, there’s still something here for everyone. Follow a link or two or three. Some comics that I especially recommend carry an asterisk, but I haven’t come close to reading everything here. Maybe you’ll find something you enjoy.
( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
(www.lorencollins.net/freecomic. Adaptado.)
Qual o melhor título para o texto?
a) My costly comic book collection
b) Remedy obstacles in comic books
c) 300 recommended funny stories
d) Enjoy funny books online
e) Free online comic books

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