UNESP 2010 – Questão 28

Linguagens / Inglês / Vocabulary / Idiomatic Expressions
This has been quite the off-season for us Jets fans. After a heart breaking end to the 2008 season, we have seen our team make for some seemingly huge strides.
Eric Mangini has moved on to Cleveland... gas can and matches in hand. Rex ‘Son of Buddy’ Ryan has stepped into the head coaching role, bringing defensive stars Bart Scott and Jim Leonhard with him.
These additions immediately put the Jets defense back on the radar. More importantly, he brought a bit of swagger and a bit of a chip on his shoulder. Something this team has been sorely lacking for way too long.
Sports are as much about ego and attitude as they are about physical skills and attributes. The mono tone stylings of Eric Mangini did nothing to impress or inspire players, media or fans. Things certainly seem to be looking up for this team and itsfans. Or are they?
Despite all outward appearances, this is a team that is still only one bad break away from disaster. Several key positions are still floating in limbo.
The Jets are way too thin at way too many positions to truly be successful. Both the defensive and offensive lines, parts of the secondary and, of course, the tight ends are so thin that one injury could sink the entire boat.
Despite all appearances, I’m actually extremely optimistic about the coming season. There are a lot of good things happening with this team too. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of questions.
(www.ganggreennation.com/2009/5/16/877030 Adaptado.)
No contexto do artigo, a expressão sink the entire boat, no penúltimo parágrafo, é utilizada para enfatizar as informações apresentadas no parágrafo sobre a
a) impossibilidade de o time vencer.
b) pequena possibilidade de o time vencer.
c) fragilidade do time.
d) possibilidade de o time vencer.
e) aparência física dos jogadores.
Esta questão recebeu 2 comentários

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