UNESP (julho) 2006 – Questão 73

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence can take different forms, but its goal is always the same: Batterers want to control their domestic partners through fear. They do this by regularly abusing them physically, sexually, psychologically and economically. Here are some of the forms domestic violence can take:
PHYSICAL ABUSE – Hitting • Slapping • Kicking • Choking • Pushing • Punching • Beating.
VERBAL ABUSE – Constant criticism • Making humiliating remarks • Not responding to what the victim is saying • Mocking • Name-calling • Yelling • Swearing • Interrupting • Changing the subject.
SEXUAL VIOLENCE – Forcing sex on an unwilling partner • Demanding sexual acts that the victim does not want to perform • Degrading treatment.
ISOLATION – Making it hard for the victim to see friends and relatives • Monitoring phone calls • Reading mail • Controlling where the victim goes • Taking the victim’s car keys.
COERCION – Making the victim feel guilty • Pushing the victim into decisions • Sulking • Manipulating children and other family members • Always insisting on being right • Making up impossible “rules” and punishing the victim for breaking them.
Os elementos em negrito no primeiro parágrafo – its, their, they, them – referem-se, respectivamente, a
a) objetivo, medo, abuso e violência doméstica.
b) violência doméstica, agressores, agressores e parceiros.
c) objetivo, agressores, agressores e violência doméstica.
d) violência doméstica, agressores, parceiros e formas.
e) objetivo, agressores, agressores e formas.
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