FUVEST 2012 – Questão 56

Linguagens / Inglês EF / Leitura / Identificar a ideia principal do texto
Although robots have made great strides in manufacturing, where tasks are repetitive, they are still no match for humans, who can grasp things and move about effortlessly in the physical world.

Designing a robot to mimic the basic capabilities of mo­tion and perception would be revolutionary, resear­chers say, with applications stretching from care for the elderly to returning overseas manufacturing operations to the United States (albeit with fewer workers).
Yet the challenges remain immense, far higher than artificial intelligence obstacles like speaking and hearing. “All these problems where you want to duplicate something biology does, such as perception, touch, planning or grasping, turn out to be hard in fundamental ways,” said Gary Bradski, a vision specialist at Willow Garage, a robot development company based in Silicon Valley. “It’s always surprising, because humans can do so much effortlessly.”
http://www.nytimes.com, July 11, 2011. Adaptado.
Segundo o texto, um grande desafio da robótica é
a) não desistir da criação de robôs que falem e entendam o que ouvem.
b) melhorar a capacidade dos robôs para a execução de tarefas repetitivas.
c) não tentar igualar as habilidades dos robôs às dos seres humanos.
d) voltar a fabricar robôs que possam ser comercializados pela indústria norte-americana.
e) projetar um robô que imite as habilidades básicas de movimento e percepção dos seres humanos.

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