UNESP (julho) 2005 – Questão 79

Linguagens / Inglês / Conjunctions / Coordinating conjunctions
For years, athletes have been told to gulp lots of water to avoid dehydration. But a new study in The New England Journal of Medicine shows that some long-distance runners are overdoing it. Researchers found that 13 percent of 488 competitors at the 2002 Boston Marathon drank so much fluid they developed hyponatremia, a life-threatening condition in which the blood salt levels plummet. But with warmer weather on the horizon, weekend warriors still need to worry about dehydration, which can lead to heat exhaustion and heat-stroke. According to the American Council on Exercise (acefitness.org), drinking plain H2O is usually preferable to sports drinks. For moderate exercise of 60 minutes or less, drink about eight ounces of water 20 to 30 minutes prior to working out; four to eight ounces every 10 to 15 minutes during exercise and eight ounces or more within 30 minutes of finishing.
As duas ocorrências da conjunção  but no texto apresentam uma idéia de
a) adição.
b) causa.
c) concessão.
d) contraste.
e) substituição.

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