UFSJ Inglês 2012 – Questão 46
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Identify the main idea of the text
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UFRGS - Inglês 2010 – Questão 69
According to the text, John Pareles believes it is not possible to forget the Woodstock Festival because
a) it was an event that defined a generation and had a positive result.
b) the disorder and violence were extreme.
c) the end result was disastrous and continued for a long time.
d) it marked the beginning of a series of concerts afterwards.
e) the discomfort endured by those who attended the festival was impossible to forget.FATEC 2016 – Questão 25
Ainda conforme o primeiro parágrafo, a performance do carro desenvolvido pelo Google foi avaliada por Erik Brynjolfsson e Andrew McAfee como
a) perfeita.
b) insegura.
c) perigosa.
d) excitante.
e) barulhenta.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 22
Entre os textos acima, temos:
a) 3 anúncios, 1 manchete, 1 legenda
b) 2 anúncios, 3 legendas
c) 1 anúncio, 1 manchete, 3 legendas
d) 1 anúncio, 2 manchetes, 2 legendas
e) 2 anúncios, 2 manchetes, 1 legendaBase dudow 2000 – Questão 73
Como dizer: Eu não tive tempo de estudar?
a) I had no time to study.
b) I didn´t have no time to study.
c) I didn´t had time to study.
d) I had some time to study.
e) I have no time to study.UERJ 2009 – Questão 17
The text presents a comparative analysis of political involvement in different decades. According to Carroll, the conflicting attitude between youth generations of the 1960s and of today is expressed in the following statement:
a) effective activism is attainable with political support
b) traditional institutions are conscious of political needs
c) community engagement is sustained by political action
d) cooperative actions are dependent on political organizations