UFRGS - Inglês 2011 – Questão 64
Linguagens / Inglês / Vocabulary / Specific Vocabulary from the English Language
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According to the passage, Xinhuaa) had proclaimed that China’s car industry would boom in 2004.b) played an important role in China’s social and economic transformation.c) reported, with pride, in 2004, the beginning of a new era for China.d) considers the new bank lending rules to be responsible for China’s mass car consumption.e) pointed out, in 2004, that China’s car industry would grow beyond expectations in the short run.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 58
My ___ is a scientist.a) aunt Susan’s husbandb) Susan’s aunt husbandc) husband’s aunt’s Susand) aunts’ Susan husbande) aunt Susan husband’sUFSM 2012 ps2 - todas menos Fil, Esp - resoluções no final 2012 – Questão 48
O segmento que contém um recurso de modalização que indica incerteza do autor em relação às informações apresentadas é
a) "People don't think much about their profile pictures".
b) "In fact, they create a more powerful connection than even the words we pick to describe ourselves".
c) "a shot of yourself looking away fom the camera would indicate a headstrong and confident approach to life".
d) "it always works best".
e) "they can definitely see you profile picture".Base dudow 2000 – Questão 14
James .......................... speak Italian when he was 05 year old.
a) should
b) can
c) might
d) could
e) mayBase dudow 2000 – Questão 52
That river was so ………………. that nobody couldn’t swim there. It was so dangerous.
a) Long
b) Full
c) High
d) Deep
e) Wide