UERJ 2014 – Questão 53
Ciências Humanas / Geografia
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UERJ 2014 – Questão 19
From the third to the fifth paragraph, the author presents the advances that led to an increase in human longevity. In the fourth paragraph, the pair of factors affected by those advances is:
a) diet and stress.
b) society and lifespan.
c) sanitation and infancy.
d) lifestyle and environment.UERJ 2008 – Questão 21
A new outlook on life is manifested in the song.
In stanzas 2 and 3, the words proclaim intentions of:
a) recovery and pressure
b) approval and confidence
c) acceptance and perseverance
d) awareness and commitmentUFMG 2015 – Questão 22
Leia o fragmento a seguir.
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Levando em conta a recente crise diplomática entre o Brasil e a Bolívia que resultou na queda do chanceler Antônio Patriota, considere as seguintes afirmações:
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A propósito das grandes planícies e terras baixas brasileiras e de sua distribuição geográfica pode-se afirmar que elas: