UERJ (julho) 2007 – Questão 17
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
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Marque a alternativa cujo verso contém um pleonasmo, ou seja, uma redundância de termos com bom efeito estilístico.
a) De repente não tinha pai.
b) Rangia nos trilhos a muitas praias de distância...
c) Se curvavam como ao peso da enorme poesia
d) Sobre o grupo familial como uma grande porta espessa.
e) Deste-nos pobreza e amor. A mim me desteBase dudow 2000 – Questão 76
Mark the sentence which the use of Past Continuous is wrong:
a) When I arrived, Tom was talking on the phone.
b) I‘m australian, but I was spending a few months over in Britain.
c) I were watching TV when the phone rang.
d) The dress she was wearing was awful.
e) He was drawing when his mother arrived.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 18
Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
a) Leonardo and I have written books yet
b) Julia has never seen an actor
c) I bought a nice car last month.
d) We have been students since 90's.
e) Where did you buy this T-shirt?UFRGS - Inglês 2011 – Questão 71
Observe the segments below.
1. [...] various stages of rest and slumber
2. [...] pure Himalayan mineral water
3. [...] the regiments of red-uniformed porters
The main words of the segments are, respectively,
a) stages - Himalayan - porters.
b) rest and slumber - mineral - regiments.
c) rest and slumber - mineral - porters.
d) stages - water - regiments.
e) various - water - red-uniformed.