FUVEST 2022 – Questão 42

Linguagens / Inglês
Fatbergs are a growing scourge infesting cities around the world — some are more than 800 feet long and weigh more than four humpback whales. These gross globs, which can cause sewer systems to block up and even overflow, have been plaguing the U.S., Great Britain and Australia for the past decade, forcing governments and utilities companies to send workers down into the sewers armed with water hoses, vacuums and scrapers with the unenviable task of prying them  loose.
“It is hard not to think of [fatbergs] as a tangible symbol of the way we live now, the ultimate product of our disposable, out of sight, out of mind culture,” wrote journalist Tim Adams in The Guardian.
At their core, fatbergs are the accumulation of oil and grease that’s been poured down the drain, congealing around flushed nonbiological waste like tampons,condoms and baby wipes. When fat sticks to the side of sewage pipes, the wipes and other detritus get stuck, accumulating layer upon layer of gunk in a sort of slimy snowball effect.
Fatbergs also collect other kinds of debris—London fatbergs have been cracked open to reveal pens, false teeth and even watches.
Restaurants are a big contributor to fatbergs: Thames Water, the London utilities company, found nine out of 10 fast-food eateries lacked adequate grease traps to stop fat from entering the sewers. Homeowners also contribute to the problem by pouring grease and fat down the sink.
Even though its component materials are soft, fatbergs themselves can be tough as rocks. Researchers have found a host of dangerous bacteria in fatbergs, including listeria and e.coli. Fatbergs are notorious for their fetid smell, which can make even the hardiest sewer workers gag, and chipping away at one can release noxious gases.
The key to fatberg prevention is remembering the four Ps: Pee, poo, puke and (toilet) paper are the only things that should be flushed.
Newsweek, 14 March, 2019. Adaptado.

O texto informa que, na opinião do jornalista Tim Adams, os fatbergs
a) integram a paisagem londrina, causando impacto em razão de suas dimensões.
b) constituem representação real dos hábitos humanos atuais.
c) simbolizam aspectos culturais submetidos a análises racionais.
d) desafiam o repertório tecnológico da engenharia de águas.
e) demonstram incentivo para que moradores consolidem seus costumes.

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