FGV Economia 2010 – Questão 39
Linguagens / Português / Semântica / Propriedades Intersígnicas
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
FGV Economia 2011 – Questão 78
In the sentence of the first paragraph – According to the IPEA, 10.5 percent of the country’s population are now considered as extremely poor, while 28.8 percent as poor. – the word while may be replaced, without changes in meaning, by
a) where.
b) than.
c) whenever.
d) whichever.
e) whereas.FGV Economia 2009 – Questão 38
...FGV Economia 2011 – Questão 77
According to the text, IPEA forecasts that
a) by 2016 the poverty rate might come to only four percent in Brazil.
b) there should be a 33.6% reduction in poverty rate due to Lula’s poverty reduction program.
c) the present poverty reduction plan targets five states in the northern region by 2014.
d) there might be further poverty reduction initiatives so that it will be eliminated in four years.
e) seven states in Brazil will wipe out poverty by 2014.FGV Economia 2009 – Questão 80
No trecho do primeiro parágrafo do texto – It remains hard to define, and attempts to do so often seem arbitrary – a expressão "to do so":
a) refere-se a "middle class in Brazil".
b) refere-se a "seem arbitrary".
c) define "middle class".
d) refere-se a "middle class in western Europe".
e) refere-se a "hard to define".UFABC 2006 - 2007 – Questão 22
Assinale a alternativa em que o trecho do texto, em nova versão, apresenta os verbos empregados de acordo com a norma padrão.