FATEC 2016 – Questão 25
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
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UERJ 2005 – Questão 17
In the fourth paragraph, the author describes how to seduce readers. This is best expressed in the following statement:
a) Realistic portrayals of characters attract the readers.
b) Protagonists of novels function as role models.
c) Qualities of fictional heroes reflect perfection.
d) Descriptions of females enhance beauty.UNESP (julho) 2009 – Questão 73
Assinale a alternativa correta, de acordo com o texto:
...ENEM PPL Espanhol 2022 – Questão 3
Essa campanha publicitária evidencia um problema social a fim de
a) promover palestras sobre a violência de gênero.
b) justificar algumas causas da agressão doméstica.
c) motivar as vítimas a buscarem ajuda especializada.
d) criar um programa que investigue casos de brutalidade.
e) orientar as mulheres a evitarem atitudes geradoras de conflitos.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 77
Leia a tirinha e responda:
Observando a tira, é CORRETO afirmar sobre as personagens:
a) Garfield is not worried about the man’s wound (ferimento), but about his own food.
b) Garfield is grateful to the man for the big sacrifice he has made for him.
c) The man is angry at Garfield because he doesn’t like his food.
d) Garfield feels sorry about the cut in the man’s finger.
e) Garfield is worried about the man’s wound.UNICAMP 2020 – Questão 6
To me, science is one way of connecting with the mystery of existence. And if you think of it that way, the mystery of existence is something that we have wondered about ever since people began asking questions about who we are and where we come...