FATEC 2005 – Questão 18

Linguagens / Inglês
Leia o texto a seguir e responda:
T H E  M O D E L
Calculating Chaos

To create a terrorism model, Karen Clark and her staff at AIR entered more than 300,000 poten-tial U.S. targets--from malls in Ohio to stadiums inTexas to monuments in Washington--into a giant database. Then they assessed what would happento each kind of landmark under every imaginableattack, from airplane crashes to chemical weapons to nuclear bombs. Using engineering data, for example, they calculated how much human andeconomic loss a truck bomb might create at agiven skyscraper. Then came the tricky part. They called in intelligence experts, including former FBI and CIA counterterrorist officials, to gauge the like-lihood of each hypothetical combination's actuallyocurring. After much back-and-forth, the modelcame together--a multi-dimensional web of night-marish possibilities.
For any address, the model can run tens of thousands of attack scenarios and estimate thepotential loss. Granted, it can't account for thepsychological cost of losing a national symbol, butit does measure how much tangible destructionmight occur. And that's a lot better than guess-work--or politics.
(Time, March 29, 2004)
Segundo o texto,
a) espiões do F.B.I. e da C.I.A. foram contratados para investigar alguns ataques terroristas.
b) o plano de Karen é capaz de avaliar quanta destruição tangível poderia ocorrer diante de um ataque terrorista.
c) a modelo veio junto com os espiões para investigar o caso.
d) Karen Clark costuma correr até 10 km por dia.
e) política ou adivinhação é melhor do que a perda psicológica de um símbolo nacional.

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