FATEC 1998 – Questão 31

Linguagens / Inglês
Where Was Gutierrez?
If YOU BELIEVE THE LETTER HE SENT the Universal newspaper Fernando Gutierrez Barrios. Mexico's most knowledgeable intelligence expert was 'outside Mexico enjoying vacation  if you believe the rumors that started circulating when he dropped out of public sight two weeks ago, he is one of the country s highest-ranking politicians ever kidnapped. That version goes like this Gutierrez was driving in the capital after lunch when two cars cut him off and eight heavily armed men whisked him away By Friday day Gutierrez was reportedly back safe at home, but hd had still not been seen m public, and his family remained mum.
It is common for families in Mexico to avoid publicity in kidnapping cases and simply pay whatever ransom is demanded Police are notoriously inept at rescue attempts As in Colombia and Brazil, kidnapping has become rampant m Mexico, with hundreds of cases a year, an American businessman held for eight days was released just last week after his family paid an undisclosed ransom However, the abduction of Gutierrez would be a new twist It seems likely that he would be targeted not for his wealth but for what he knows For four decades he worked in Mexican intelligence, rising as high as minister of governing the cabinet post in charge of internal security, under former president Carlos Salinas In other words, he knew state secrets, the sort of information that would be of use to drug lords politicians and guernltas Editorials are already referring to him as a ’political kidnappee *
Indique a alternativa em que a tradução de “a" ou “an" difere do seu significado habituai de artigo indefinido ( um, uma ) em língua portuguesa
a) However, the abduction of Gutiérrez would be a new twist
b)... after his family paid an undisclosed ransom
c)... an Amencan businessman held for eight days was released just last week...
d)...kidnapping has become rampant in Mexico with hundreds of cases a year; ...
e)    Editonals are already referring to him as a 'political kidnappée.

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