ENEM PPL Linguagens e Matemática 2011 – Questão 93

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension
Last Monday was a really awful day. I got to school late because I had missed the bus. Then I had a Math test and did badly because I hadn’t studied for it. Things went from bad to worse: while I was waiting for the bus home I realised I had lost my money so I had to walk home. I really wanted to go to the cinema with my parents that evening but by the time I got home they had already gone out. I put my dinner in the oven, went to watch TV and fell asleep. When I woke up an hour later, there was a terrible smell and smoke coming up the stairs: I had forgotten to take my dinner out of the oven
High Flyer. Longman, 1996​
A intenção do narrador, nesse texto, é
a) descrever o incidente na cozinha.
b) justificar a perda de uma prova.
c) lamentar a perda da aula.
d) reclamar do atraso do ônibus.
e) relatar um dia de problemas.
Esta questão recebeu 135 comentários

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