ENEM Espanhol 2013 – Questão 1
Linguagens / Espanhol / Interpretação de texto / Vocabulário
Esta questão recebeu 135 comentários
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
UFRGS - Inglês 2010 – Questão 55
Considere a fala do menino no quadrinho 6: "We appreciate all the sacrifíces you've made for us!" Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase abaixo, que reescreve, em discurso indireto, a fala do menino.
The boy said to his father that they ______ all the sacrifices he ______ for them.
a) appreciate - he made
b) appreciated - makes
c) had appreciated - has made
d) have appreciated - makes
e) appreciated - had madeBase dudow 2000 – Questão 71
My parents live ___________ 25 March street.a) at b) in c) on
d) of
e) aboutBase dudow 2000 – Questão 65
Passe para a voz passiva: I am writing a report.
a) A report is written by me.
b) A report is being written by me.
c) A report is been writing by I.
d) A report is writing me.
e) A report is been written by me.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 50
Though a tag sale is a sale of used household belongings, with prices typically marked on labels affixed to the items:
a) The girls thought it would be annoying to price each of the labels.
b) The driver didn't notice the prices written on the labels.
c) The girls wrote “Free Box” in the carton.
d) No one would be interested in buying them.
e) The girls forgot that there were expensive belongings in the box.UERJ 2011 – Questão 20
Bob Livingstone is the first to post his opinion. His comments aim at:
a) raising doubts
b) offering procedures
c) describing solutions
d) making assumptions