Base dudow 095 2000 – Questão 36

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
Are You a Good Candidate?
Although many programs have academic requirements, you usually don't have to have the highest grades to qualify. And most programs do not have language requirements. Who you are is as important as your academic record. Study abroad programs look for students who are independent, self-assured, enjoy new experiences and different types of people, and can handle challenges. When you study in a foreign country, you'll be faced with new circumstances and environments.
Ask yourself:
• Am I willing to try new things — everything from foods to social situations?
• Am I comfortable making my own decisions, such as what time to leave for school, which courses to take, and how to deal with conflict and change, without family or friends around to help?
• Do I like to take risks?
• How have I handled complex and new situations in the past?
• Will I be able to complete my academic requirements for my school at home and for any future plans?
• Will my school at home accept credits from the programs I am considering?
If you really hate change and don't like the idea of taking decisions all on your own, then studying abroad may not be for you. It’s important to really think about your feelings and to be honest with yourself – you could end up miserable far away from home if you aren’t! Don't let a little anxiety stop you from considering the possibility of a summer, semester, or year abroad, though. Matthew says he will never forget sitting in the airport about to board a plane for Melbourne. ―I felt terrified and delighted at the same time,‖ he says. ―In the end, though, the rewards of living overseas far outweigh the initial uncertainties.

Available at: http://<> Access on August 15, 2008. [Adapted]

Although – embora
Requirements – requisitos
Self-assured – seguro
Handle – lidar
Challenges – desafios
Foreign – estrangeiro
Willing – desejoso
Deal – lidar
Change – mudança
Own – por mim mesmo
Feelings – sentimentos
Rewards - recompensas
De acordo com o texto qual destas pessoas seria um bom candidato para estudar no exterior?
a) Kelly always avoids situations that might present some risk.
b) Joe changed schools last year; he felt nervous and worried.
c) Peter is enthusiastic to try new things and to have new experiences.
d) Fred doesn’t think he could live far from home; he’s sure he would miss his family. He wouldn’t survive.
e) Jackie is shy; she feels uncomfortable when she meets new people.
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