Base dudow 094 2000 – Questão 38

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
Yesterday morning there was the biggest chaos ever seen in the central area of London. It was caused by thousands of people who came into the city by car, since the electric trains are not running because of the strikes of train drivers. Journeys across central London which normally take ten minutes took forty minutes at all, and motorists got out of their cars to buy newspapers and magazines to read until the police had managed to get the traffic moving again.
There was a chaos in the traffic of London because:
a) a thousand people wanted to see the central area of the city.
b) a thousand people came to the city by car.
c) thousands of people came to the city by car.
d) two thousand people came to the city.
e) The traffic was the heaviest ever seen in the city.
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