UNIP 2022 – Questão 45

Linguagens / Inglês
Man’s severe migraines ‘completely eliminated’ on plant-based diet

Health experts are calling for more research into diet and migraines after doctors revealed a patient who had suffered severe and debilitating headaches for more than a decade completely eliminated them after adopting a plant-based diet.
He had tried prescribed medication, yoga and meditation, and cut out potential trigger foods in an effort to reduce the severity and frequency of his severe headaches – but nothing worked. The migraines made it almost impossible to perform his job, he said.
But within a month of starting a plant-based diet that included lots of dark-green leafy vegetables, his migraines disappeared. The man has not had a migraine in more than seven years, and cannot remember the last time he had a headache. The case was reported in the journal BMJ Case Reports.
Doctors in the US who treated the photographer suggested it might be worth adopting a plant-based diet to ease the symptoms of chronic migraine.
But other independent experts cautioned that because the report was a single case it was impossible to generalise the finding and should not be taken as a solution for all people with migraines.
More than a billion people worldwide experience migraines. While drugs can help prevent and treat them, a growing body of evidence suggests diet may also offer an effective alternative without any of the side effects associated with some of the drugs, the report’s authors said.
The report’s authors advised the man to adopt the Low Inflammatory Foods Everyday (Life) diet, a nutrientdense, whole food, plant-based diet. It includes eating at least five ounces (142g) by weight of raw or cooked dark green leafy vegetables every day, drinking one 32-ounce (946ml) daily green smoothie, and limiting intake of whole grains, starchy vegetables, oils, and animal protein, particularly dairy and red meat. (…)
Access: 11/22/2021.

O texto menciona a opinião de alguns especialistas que fazem certas advertências com relação ao estudo de caso publicado. Assinale a alternativa que melhor resume a opinião de tais profissionais.
a) Alguns especialistas chamam a atenção para o fato de que mais de um bilhão de pessoas sofrem de enxaqueca no mundo e afirmam que tais indivíduos poderiam se beneficiar com a dieta sugerida no estudo de caso.
b) Alguns especialistas advertem que a única maneira de prevenir e tratar casos severos de enxaqueca se dá por meio de medicamentos controlados.
c) Alguns especialistas alertam que, por ser um caso individual, não se pode generalizar a descoberta e considerar a dieta mencionada no estudo de caso como uma solução para todas as pessoas com enxaqueca.
d) Alguns especialistas ponderam sobre os possíveis efeitos colaterais em se adotar a dieta sugerida pelo estudo de caso.
e) Alguns especialistas asseveram que indivíduos que sofrem de enxaqueca por mais de sete anos podem se beneficiar da dieta sugerida pelo estudo de caso.

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