UNIFESP port e inglês 2016 – Questão 32

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Identify the main idea of the text
“They don’t see us as a powerful economic force, which is an incredible ignorance.” – Salma Hayek, actor, denouncing sexism in Hollywood at the Cannes Film Festival; until recently, she added, studio heads believed women were interested only in seeing romantic comedies.
Time, 01.06.2015
Based on the information the text presents, one can say that
a) both Hollywood and Cannes are important economic forces that promote romantic comedies.
b) Salma Hayek believes Cannes Film Festival organizers are ignorant because they have a biased image of women.
c) failing to recognize women as an economic force is a sexist behaviour.
d) Cannes Film Festival used to portray women in romantic comedies.
e) most women in the United States would disagree with Salma Hayek.

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