UNIFESP port e inglês 2011 – Questão 38
Linguagens / Inglês / Conjunctions / Subordinating Conjunctions
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
UNIFESP s/port e inglês 2009 – Questão 36
A Rodada Doha, promovida pela Organização Mundial de Comércio, não chegou a acordos importantes, devido
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 13
Paris – You look tired today. What happened?
Lindsay – I’m in jail. I can’t sleep here.
Paris – What have you been doing inside jail?
Lindsay - __________!
a) I have been reading a lot.
b) I had been reading a lot.
c) I have read a lot.
d) I had read a lot.
e) I read a lot.
FUVEST 2005 – Questão 87
The passage suggests that, for its new movie, Warner Brothers Pictures still needs toa) hire a more talented screenwriter.b) find an actor for the role of Clark Kent.c) dismiss their recently hired director.d) choose a more suitable shooting location.e) raise more funds for the film development.UFSJ Inglês 2012 – Questão 48
According to the text,
a) the Arabians do not do business with Americans because of their culture.
b) the Arabian people are illiterate and do not know how to read and write.
c) in the Arabian culture people are not allowed to read from right to left.
d) the salesman did not have enough knowledge of Arabian culture.UNIFESP port e inglês 2009 – Questão 44
No trecho do segundo parágrafo — they too could become savants who remember π to the twenty thousandth decimal place or perhaps even have telekinetic powers. —, a palavra perhaps significa, em português,
a) exceto.
b) até.
c) portanto.
d) talvez.
e) certamente.